Url Shortener Php Script

Creating a URL Shortener PHP Script: Simplify Long URLs for Better User Experience

URL shorteners have become an integral part of the modern web landscape, providing a solution to the challenge of dealing with long, unwieldy URLs. In this article, we'll delve into the world of URL shorteners and explore the process of creating a URL shortener using a PHP script. We'll discuss what URL shorteners are, why they are essential, and the…

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Local Keyword Research

Local SEO Keyword Research – Best Tools & How To Guide

Table of Content What is Local Keyword Research? Why is Keyword Research Important For Local SEO? How Can You Find Local Keywords? How to Handle Multiple Locations Best Tools to Find and Track Your Local Keyword Rankings Ahrefs SEMrush SERanking KWFinder Get Local SEO Done Right FAQs What Is Local Seo Keyword Research? Why Is Local Seo Keyword Research Important…

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How to Clear Cache in Your Laravel Application

How to Clear Cache in Your Laravel Application

In a Laravel application, caching is a crucial performance optimization technique. By storing frequently accessed data in cache, you can significantly reduce the load on your server and improve response times. However, there are times when you need to clear the cache to ensure that your application is using the most up-to-date information. In this article, we'll walk you through…

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How to Redirect Your 404 Page to the Home Page in WordPress

[ad_1] Do you want to redirect your 404 page to your home page in WordPress? Redirecting the 404 ‘Not Found’ page to your website’s home page can help reduce your bounce rate and allow your users to discover other useful content on your website. In this article, we will show you how to redirect your 404 page to your home…

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Adding Recaptcha to WordPress Website Comments Form Using Function

Adding Recaptcha to WordPress Website Comments Form Using Function

Adding reCAPTCHA to a WordPress website's comments form using a function effectively enhances security and reduces spam submissions. WordPress, one of the most popular content management systems, attracts considerable attention from spammers who attempt to exploit its comment forms. By implementing reCAPTCHA, a widely used and trusted solution provided by Google, website owners can protect their websites from unwanted spam…

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How To Emebbed

How To Make Embedded YouTube Video Responsive in WordPress

To make an embedded YouTube video responsive in WordPress, you can follow these steps: Obtain the YouTube embed code Go to the YouTube video you want to embed and click on the "Share" button below the video. Then, select the "Embed" option to generate the embed code. Edit the WordPress post or page Open the WordPress editor for the post…

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Youtube video is not working on iOS devices and iPhones

YouTube Video is Not Working on iOS and iPhones Devices

If the YouTube video is not working on iPhones when added to a WordPress website, you can try the following troubleshooting steps: Check the YouTube embed code: Ensure that you are using the correct and valid YouTube embed code for the video. Double-check for any errors or missing elements in the code. Use the HTTPS protocol: Make sure you are…

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10 Steps How To Do Freelancing

10 Steps How To Do Freelancing in 2023

Freelancing is a way of working independently and offering your services to clients or companies on a project basis. If you're interested in starting a freelance career, here are some steps to help you get started. Identify Your Skills and Services Determine what skills or expertise you can offer as a freelancer. Consider your professional background, hobbies, and interests. Common…

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