7 Proven Ways To Stop Spam Emails From My WordPress Website

7 Proven ways to stop spam emails form wordpress website

Are you tired of constantly battling against spam emails flooding your WordPress website? We understand how frustrating and time-consuming it can be to sift through an inbox filled with irrelevant and unsolicited messages.

In this digital age, the rise of spam emails has become a persistent nuisance for website owners, leading to reduced productivity, compromised security, and a diminished user experience. But fear not! Atechno is here to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to protect your WordPress website from spam.

What is From Spam?

Form spam occurs when malicious entities or back actors submit undesirable information using online forms to phish or send abusive messages.

Form spam is when undesired messages find their way through your website’s forms, typically without your knowledge.

Why Does Form Spam Exit?

You may be thinking that form spam should not be an issue these days. After all, traditional email spam is mostly under control owing to advanced spam filters that stop spam communications.

These emails appear in people’s inboxes as though they were sent by you. Then, unintentionally, users open and even click through to what they think is your website, only to find themselves on a completely other site.

As a result, spam might occur in the other direction.

What is a Spambot?

Spambots are harmful programs that collect email addresses and information from internet sources such as forms, chat rooms, and websites. This information is typically gathered to compile lists to send unsolicited emails – spam. Because emails have a specific format, creating such a bot is simple. Unfortunately, avoiding them is far more difficult.

7 Proven Way To Stop Spam Emails

  1. Use Recaptcha
  2. Use Custom Recaptcha
  3. Use Invisible Recaptchacha
  4. Use Honeypot Method
  5. Use Anit Spam Plugin
  6. Block Traffic By IP Address
  7. Block Copy and Paste into Form

1. Use Recaptcha

The reCAPTCHA part of your contact form is where visitors click to ensure they’re human before submitting your form. It will prevent spam submissions by validating that a human is filling out your forms and will prevent the majority of spam attempts. Visitors feel better when they see it since it shows you’re concerned about site security and it helps enhance form conversions.

It’s also simple for folks to utilize. The previous CAPTCHA security mechanisms were sometimes difficult for even humans to understand However, Google modified them in v2. People can mouse over the checkbox instead of inputting a word or string of text, and the program recognizes that it is not an automated spam bot. When using the v2 Invisible version, visitors are asked an image-based inquiry to ensure they are not a spambot.

2. Use Custom Recaptcha

To stop spam form submissions, you may use a custom CAPTCHA to add custom word-based or random math problems to your form. To submit their forms, visitors must successfully answer your specific questions. Before submitting their form information, visitors are required to provide the solution to 1 * 4.

WPForms, a WordPress contact form plugin, allows you to add many unique word queries that are randomly cycled through the form with each page view. Random math questions may work better to prevent spam, so try changing them on a semi-regular basis, such as monthly (if your site is popular) or quarterly (if it isn’t). It is all up to you.

3. Use Invisible Recptacha

Some refer to this as the “no CAPTCHA” approach because humans are not required to see it, however, it is simply an invisible reCAPTCHA method.

Visitors to your contact form will not see any extra fields, such as a challenge word or math question if you use invisible reCAPTCHA v2. When visitors attempt to submit the form, Invisible reCAPTCHA v2 is activated.

4. Use Honeypot Method

Another invisible technique to safeguard your contact forms against spam is to use honeypots. It hides a field in your form’s code that is invisible to human visitors but visible to spambots because they are generally looking at your form’s code. These spambots trick users into believing it’s a legitimate form, so they fill it out. However, your form recognizes this field as the honeypot and rejects all submissions with it filled out (or incorrectly filled out, depending on how you’ve configured it).

It’s popular with site visitors because it reduces the friction they can feel when they see a challenge question and enhances form submission rates. There’s also the pleasant, comfortable feeling people get when they see the Google terms of service symbol, which is the only thing they see when this approach is enabled on your form.

WPForms enables the honeypot method by default, so check your specific form builder’s settings in WordPress to make sure it’s enabled.

5. Use WordPress Anti-Spam Plugin

Anti-Spam Plugins such as Akismet, WordPress Zero Spam, Antispam Bee, and JetPack may help protect your entire site from spam inputs.

These frequently function independently of your forms, guarding your website from spam comments and contact form submissions. (This is often your comments and contact forms). They check submissions against word, name, and email address blacklists, and some antispam plugins allow you to add a CAPTCHA or other antispam method to your contact form. So, before you begin utilizing any of these plugins, read over their instructions and information.

6. Block Traffic By IP Address

If you see a high volume of spambot activity on your site, you may also restrict traffic from the IP addresses from which it is originating to safeguard your content. While it provides an additional degree of security to your site, it can also block valid traffic from these IPs, so use it at your own risk.

Fill up the Comment Blacklist field on the Discussion settings page of your WordPress admin panel with the IP addresses you want to block. Advanced site owners can accomplish this using their web host’s cPanel or a security plugin such as Sucuri.

7. Block Copy and Paste into Form

Disabling right-click capabilities on your WordPress site is another approach to safeguard your contact forms from spam. This strategy will only keep human spammers from copying and pasting their information into your contact forms. Additionally, you will be prohibiting individuals from stealing material from any place on your site.

One method is to download and install a plugin that prevents right-clicking on all of your sites, such as WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click and Disable Right Click For WP.


There you go, seven ways you can protect your WordPress site from contact form spam. You want to be able to hear from your site visitors, but not at the high time and energy cost of spambots. Choose your method wisely and add it to your site today.

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