13 Best AI Marketing Tools For SaaS Business

13 Best AI Marketing Tools For SaaS Business

In the fast-paced world of Software as a Service (SaaS), staying ahead of the competition requires more than just a great product – it demands innovative marketing strategies backed by cutting-edge technology. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), SaaS businesses have a powerful arsenal of tools at their disposal to optimize marketing campaigns, drive customer engagement, and fuel growth.…

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Sage Pop-Up Shop Winner: Katie Cross – Cake or Death

[ad_1] Small Business sat down with Katie Cross, director of vegan bakery Cake or Death, one of the three winners of the Small Business x Sage pop-up shop competition. Cake or Death was one of three winning businesses chosen by our expert panel to occupy a pop-up shop space in London’s busy Oxford Street earlier this month. The Devon-based bakery…

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Best small business energy brokers and switching services

[ad_1] Let’s face it, searching for a better energy tariff when you go out of contract with your gas or electricity provider can be a real faff. Who’s got time to compare energy tariffs when you’ve got better things to do running your small business? Letting your business energy contract rolled over onto out-of-contract rates may be easier but it’s…

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How to find the cheapest merchant services for your small business

[ad_1] Card has now very definitely become the preferred method of payment for most consumers. And with payment processors taking a cut of every card payment your small business receives, finding a cheap merchant service is vital if you want to keep margins low. But it’s not as simple as hunting for the lowest transaction fee – various factors contribute…

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The importance of good copy in your marketing communications

[ad_1] With the amount of space to fill in ever-diversifying media, especially online with websites hungry for content and millions of people posting their experiences daily via social networking sites, it can be easy to assume that good copywriting has become an irrelevance. But quantity does not win the contest against quality, and this is even more true for businesses.…

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7 electricity suppliers for small businesses

[ad_1] Electricity bills have certainly left their mark on UK small businesses this year. So much so, that in April the government launched an energy efficiency campaign to help drive down the energy costs small businesses were having to pay following a hike in costs. Then, in May, the FSB urged energy firms to renegotiate fixed term contracts with small…

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